Wednesday, 23 March 2011

flashplayer on Ubuntu 64 (lucid)

After weeks without getting flashplayer to work with my firefox 64 on a Ubuntu 10.04 machine, I finally found a way to solve the problem almost instantly. Just by installing google-chrome.

1 - Go to page and download plugin for 64-bit linux.

2 - Uncompress the file and save anywhere in the system

3 - Go to page and donwload google-chrome installer 64-bit .deb installer for Ubuntu

4 - Run the command below. Somehow, the installer managed to find the file.
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

5 - Say goodbye to firefox 64-bit.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Offtopic: Ubuntu 10 with traditional look and feel.

Ubuntu 10 changed radically it's visual identity. It was quite a break. The look and feel is completely different and probably pleased many people. For those who didn't like the change, it is possible to go back to the traditional appearance. No downgrading required.

Just changing the theme of the desktop, the overall appearance of the desktop goes back to what we are used to. The steps are as follows:
- right click on the desktop
- "change desktop background"
- "Theme"
- "human-clearlooks"

The orthodox purist may want to change even the appearance of the login screen. If you have any hint, please post here in the comments.